Rugi Pallos - successful “antiquities dealer” and rumoured art smuggler on Chusuk.
Lady Redolyn Moritani - wife of Ferdinand and mother of Tycho Moritani.Bene Gesserit Trainee.
Pradisek - vizier-advisor of Ferdinand Moritani.
Philippe Varota - former Earl of House Varota.Political Genius, Spy and author of "the Varotan Manifesto".
Olifer Mangrove - Mentat of House Wallach.
Murad - soldier of an unnamed House Minor.Killed in a Harkonnen raid.
Moebius Ahearn - Sunnivas professor and ethics-advisor of House Tseida.
Memphis Dion - Suk doctor and house medic of house Varota.
Maximillian Banarc - former Sardaukar General and first Baron of House Wallach.
Malik Richmond - Mentat-Advisor of House Moritani.
Compt Lorenzo Adici - Head of a house minor on Chusuk.
Lady Luchessa - wife of Angustin Varota.
Lechter Aedile - Suk Doctor and house medician of Wolfram von Wallach.
Iorgu Tseida - nephew and designated heir of Catriona Tseida.
Innis D’murjzin - Lord of a House Minor from Chusuk.
Ilema Tseida - Bene Gesserit and advisor to Catriona Tseida.
Hiro Okusa - Swordmaster of House Tseida.
Hamza - soldier of an unnamed House Minor.Killed in a Harkonnen raid.
Lady Gersha - Bene Gesserit Concubine of Wolfram von Wallach and mother of Na-Baron Christhaad von Silgaimar.
Francesco Varota - imperial court musician and spy.Founder and first Baronet of House Varota.
Forneus I - Imperator of the Old Empire who persecuted the Navachristians.
Count Ferdinand Moritani - the demented ruler of House Moritani.
Emmanuel Butler - a former technocrat who preached against humanity's enslavement to machine culture and was executed after a show-trial in the prelude to Butlerian Jihad.
Master Desmond Karos - Archivist of the Academy of Arts on Chusuk.
Delbreth Umbrico - Swordmaster- Mentat of House Moritani.
Corrin-Ashcraft - Sardaukar Burseg and Siridar of Salusa Secundus.
Corina Varota - daughter of Angustin Varota.
Christhaad von Silgaimar - son and designated heir of Wolfram von Wallach.
Marquise Catriona Tseida - regent ruler of House Tseida.
Earl Angustin Varota - head of House Varota and Siridar of Chusuk.
Atreus - mythical ancestor of House Atreides.
Lord Anton head of a not-named House Minor.
Analdo Varota - young son and heir of Angostin Varota.
Aeneus Miracola - Swordmaster in service of House Varota.